Julie Ellis is a results-driven litigator and legal counselor who is committed to advocating for her clients in order to help them accomplish their goals. Clients seek out Julie to solve their business and legal problems.

Julie is an expert at negotiation and a formidable adversary when necessary.
With a background as a franchise business owner and operator, Julie understands that serving as a legal counselor to her clients and helping them avoid litigation will increase their bottom line. As a legal advisor, Julie uses her keen business sense to guide clients through contractual matters, regulatory compliance, and if necessary, jury and bench trials, with ease. Using the skills acquired in a large criminal defense and civil practice, she identifies the pitfalls that can affect her clients to help them avoid litigation or better position themselves if litigation is necessary. As an experienced civil and family mediator, Julie recognizes that negotiation is often necessary to achieve the desired results, and she knows how to negotiate for her clients.
Julie has always had a passion for politics and the law. This led her to develop a political consulting career, coordinating state and national campaigns. She now uses her in-depth knowledge of government to help clients avoid costly mistakes when setting up and managing their businesses. Julie knows how to meet the needs of business owners and is dedicated to using her skills and knowledge to help businesses of all sizes grow and thrive.
As Guardian ad Litem in Juvenile Court matters, Julie merged her concern for children with her legal experience and knowledge. When away from the office, Julie enjoys volunteering in the community and serving on government commissions. She also serves on a number of committees for the Missouri Bar, including the Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, Civil Practice and Procedures Committee, Criminal Practice and Procedures Committee, Estate Planning and Probate Committee, and the Religious Entities and the Law Committee.
Representative Legal Achievements
- Represented the Senior Lender in the Turnaround Management Association’s 2013 Small Company Turnaround of the Year
- Obtained dozens and dozens of Chapter 11 Plan agreements for payment of the entire amounts of clients’ seven- and eight- figure debts in bankruptcy court.
- Lead attorney in numerous transactions involving hundreds of millions of dollars worth of commercial paper.
- Drafted document sets which are widely used across the country in the equipment finance industry and successfully litigated those same contracts.
- Lead attorney for numerous federal and state court trial proceedings across the county resulting in numerous seven figure judgments.
- Lead defense attorney in dozens of litigation cases, successfully defending cases that sought seven- and eight-figure judgments against his clients.
- Prosecuted mortgage fraud claims against foreign criminal gangs.
St. Louis University, J.D.
Missouri State University, B.A.
U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois (including the Trial Bar)
U.S. District Court, Central District of Illinois
U.S. District Court, Southern District of Illinois
U.S. District Court, Northern District of Indiana
U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Michigan
U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Missouri
U.S. District Court, Western District of Missouri
U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Arkansas
U.S. District Court, Western District of Wisconsin
U.S. District Court, District of Nebraska
U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit
United States Patent and Trademark Office
Additionally, Mr. Dressler has log in privileges to file requests for notices and proofs of claim in nearly every bankruptcy court in the country.
- Board of Editors, Law Journal Newsletter- Equipment Leasing
- Board of Directors, National Equipment Financing Association
- Nominated “Rising Star Super Lawyer” in Law & Politics Magazine (2008-2009)
Pro Bono & Community
- The Bradley Cameron Association (Social Activities for Young Adults with Disabilities)
- Art Inspired
- Abilities First
- National Aircraft Finance Association
- National Equipment Finance Association (Board and Executive Committee Member)
- Equipment Leasing and Financing Association
- Equipment Leasing News (Editorial Board)
- Illinois Bankers Association
- Missouri Bankers Association
- Mortgage Bankers Association, Mortgage Fraud Sub-Committee
- Illinois Mortgage Bankers Association
- Chicago Bar Association
- Illinois Bar Association
- Missouri Bar Association